About The Cue Box for Personal Work

The Cue Box is different from self-help books. It is an interactive tool for engaging with areas of your life where you are stuck or confused. The Cue Box provides a structure you can trust to independently discover your own answers. We do have our own answers, but sometimes they lie in fragments of memories, feelings, intuitions, insights and assumptions that may or may not be accurate. To discover our own answers we must look within, learn from others, and stretch beyond where we normally stop ourselves. The Cue Box helps us connect these fragments in ways that suggest options for taking action.

Here are some things people say about The Cue Box:

"No more flailing through the same old underbrush of unresolved complaints and misfortunes for me. After submitting myself and my heart's dreams to the wise and loving discipline of The Cue Box path, I have arrived rejoicing where I was always meant to be."

"The Cue Box is a magically transformative tool that allows me to look at a problem from all angles."

"The Cue Box gives me structure and guidance."

"The Cue Box helps me find my own answers."

About Cue Box Circles

Cue Box Circles are a safe place to be seen, heard and supported while making changes prompted by the cues on the box. Cue Box Circles agree to hold confidentiality and see each other in positive regard. One person responds to the questions and cues on The Cue Box while others listen and refrain from commenting or advising.

Cue Box Circle members volunteer to facilitate, keep time, record personal work, and follow-up with any support if needed. The meetings start with a five minute check-in from each member. After check-in, members can choose to work through the questions and cues on The Cue Box. The process can take up to fifteen minutes. Circles can have up to eight members and usually meet monthly.

Here are some things people say about The Cue Box Circles:

"I am uplifted by the work of others."

"Everything said in the Circle stays in the Circle."

"Invariably, one person's work with The Cue Box benefits everyone."

"The group is a safe place to be myself and look deeply at hard things."

"I can say I would not be who I am or where I am without my Cue Box Circle."

About The Cue Box for Group Work

Communication in the workplace and organizations is challenging. Different job responsibilities, personalities, age groups, thinking styles, gender stereotypes, and experiences often keep people from sharing their thoughts. Technology has created new avenues for connection and yet, it cannot replace the human dynamics inherent in face-to-face communication.

What if all voices were heard and each person could share his or her ideas without interruption? Would this freedom of expression surface common ground and lead to collaborative action? The Cue Box for Group Work makes this possible.

Here are some things people say about The Cue Box for Group Work:

"Everyone has a say before decisions are made."

"I have moved beyond my comfort zone."

"It's a shift from negative filters to positive problem solving."

"I trust using The Cue Box when we make changes."

"When everybody speaks up, our communication is deeper."

"Once I added my two cents, I wanted our plan to succeed."

About the Author

Patricia Elliott has her PhD in East/West Psychology. This branch of psychology combines the study of Eastern Philosophy, Western Psychology and World Religions as integral to understanding human existence. As a psychologist, she facilitates communication styles built on trust, respect and the power of shared meaning. She is an organizational consultant and the creator of a leadership team-building seminar. Her belief in the power of devoting time to introspection and self-questioning was the catalyst for creating The Cue Box process for individuals and group work.

"Through my participation in a variety of 'self-help' and personal growth teams for a number of decades, I learned to recognize cues that are too often overlooked or under-emphasized. Evolving as human beings requires each of us to show up and be willing to work through those aspects of our lives that don't serve us. The Cue Box provides a well-rounded, powerful structure for independent thinking and taking action based on authentic decisions."

The Author, Patricia Elliott, PhD